09:55 Publié dans Société | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Le Président de la Church of the Lutheran Confession:
Pasteur Michael Eichstadt
Email: meichsta@gmail.com
Téléphone: 414-427-9337
Le Pasteur Eichstadt fut diplômé de Immanuel Lutheran Seminary, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, en 1984. Il a servi à des congrégations à Cheyenne, Wyoming et Phoenix, Arizona. Il a été le pasteur de Messiah Lutheran église et école, Hales Corners, Wisconsin, depuis 1998. Lui et son épouse Susan ont trois enfants. Le Pasteur Eichstadt a été élu président de l'Église de la confession luthérienne en 2017.
10:28 Publié dans Les copains | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Formation Théologique par correspondance en Anglais :
Are you interested in taking an Immanuel Lutheran College class online?
1 Corinthians, Religion 101-102, Religion 305-306, and Religion 407-408 are currently available.
You can see and hear an example of how each would function. Go to: classes.ilc.edu. Do not login. Scroll down and select “Religion 101 /102 - A Sample - Pentateuch - OT Survey” or “Rel 407 / 408 - Christian Teachings - A Sample.” Read the main column and follow the instructions.
The following table is for the school year 2015-16.
Semester Class |
Description |
Credit |
Audit |
Group Use |
Religion 101 |
Old Testament |
$650 |
$195 |
NA |
Religion 102 |
Old Testament |
$650 |
$195 |
NA |
Religion 305 |
Symbolics |
$650 |
$195 |
$195 |
Religion 306 |
Symbolics |
$650 |
$195 |
$195 |
Religion 407 |
Dogmatics |
NA |
$195 |
$195 |
Religion 408 |
Dogmatics |
NA |
$195 |
$195 |
Religion 12 (HS) |
1 Corinthians |
NA |
$56 |
$56 |
Note: All costs are for 2015-16; NA – Not Available
More information at classes.ilc.edu and ilc.edu
Here is some information you may wish to consider if you are interested in registering for the class and also directions on how to register for the class if desired.
- 1 Corinthians is a high school study at the 12th grade level. First Corinthians leads us to see Christ and Him crucified as the center of all faith and life and as the wisdom needed to face practical, relevant problems, and thus grow in faith, love and holiness by the power of the Spirit. This class is offered online only for auditing. If users wish to take the quizzes, they will have to do that in the same time frame as when the class meets in the fall semester. The class presentations will be open other times. (44 lessons, 45 minutes each)
- Religion 101 / 102: Old Testament Survey is a detailed study of the major events and individuals of the books of Genesis to Malachi and also God's dealings with Israel, directing all things unto Christ. (Rel 101 - 46 lessons, 45 minutes each) (Rel 102 - 49 lessons, 45 minutes each)
- Religion 305 / 306: Symbolics is a study of the history, development, and contents of the three universal creeds and of the Lutheran Confessions from 1517-1580. The objectives are to compare these Confessions with Scripture, to grow in faith by the power of the Spirit, to increase our commitment to the Lutheran confessions because they are in agreement with Holy Scripture and to improve our ability to discern error and witness the truth. Subject matter studied in 305 first semester includes the three universal creeds, Luther's Catechisms, the Augsburg Confession and the Apology. (1517-1530) (43 lessons, 45 minutes each) Subject matter studied in 306 second semester includes Completing the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, and the Formula of Concord. (1530-1580) (46 lessons, 45 minutes each)
- Religion 407 / 408: Dogmatics is a systematic study of Christian teachings (doctrines), showing their Biblical foundation and their application to the Christian life. Subject matter studied in 407 first semester includes Scripture, God, man, Christ, conversion, and justification (42 lessons, 45 minutes each). Subject matter studied in 408 second semester includes sanctification, the means of grace, Law and Gospel, the sacraments, the church, election, and eschatology (45 lessons, 45 minutes each).
- Purpose - All the online courses are intended to be a detailed study of God’s Word according to the content descriptions given in the previous paragraphs. These courses are not intended to be “unique” revelations. That, of course, belongs to God alone and has been recorded for us in His Word. They are intended to be a study of His Word parallel to what your pastor is sharing in Bible Class so that we may grow in faith and love for Him who died for us. Because the courses have assigned homework (optional for those auditing) and meet three times a week, the courses may, perhaps, be more intensive or comprehensive than a congregational Bible Class. You may wish to take a course to supplement your Bible studies at home and church. You may wish to take those which apply for college credit, perhaps in the interest of pursuing CLC teacher certification, or as a needed step in gaining future entry to Immanuel Lutheran Seminary. Each course meets three times a week.
- Time Frame - Each class may be taken as an audit at any time. They may be taken for credit only in connection with the semester in which they are taught on-site. Your time frame for participation is not limited by the semester. With each class your participation can extend before or after the class semester. But you need to register for one semester. The videos and quizzes for the classes will be available at the time of your choosing. There is one exception to auditors following their own time frame. In the semester the course is taught at ILC in an on-site class you cannot be ahead of the on-site class and if you wish to do the quizzes you must be either two weeks behind the on-site class or must follow the time limits set for those taking the on-site class. For example: Religion 101 - fall semester of odd years (e.g. Aug.-Dec. of 2015).Religion 102 - spring semester of even years (e.g. Jan.-May of 2016). Religion 305 - fall semester of odd years (e.g. Aug.-Dec. of 2015).Religion 306 - spring semester of even years (e.g. Jan.-May of 2016). Religion 407 - fall semester of even years (e.g. Aug.-Dec. of 2016 etc.) Religion 408 - spring semester of odd years (e.g. Jan. - May of 2017 etc)
- Auditing - Auditing students do not receive any college credit, nor can they expect teacher evaluations.
- For credit - The online course grade is based on the online quizzes and the student’s written or video presentations. There may be a preview quiz and / or a review quiz with each lesson.
- How will it work, if you are taking the class the same time it is taught at ILC in an on-site class? Prof. John Ude will be teaching the on-site class at ILC, say for example, on a Tuesday. Students enrolled will be asked to read the assignment beforehand (those auditing can participate as much as they want). The class will be taught with the assumption that students have read the material. A preview quiz will open 3-7 days before the lesson for which it is due, but it has a time deadline of the beginning of that lesson’s class period. So for the Tuesday class, a preview quiz would have opened on the previous Friday and be due by class time on that Tuesday. The quizzes are online and correct themselves, showing the correct answers and some explanation. After the instructor teaches the class, the video is uploaded to the internet host. It should be available for any registered user via their computer within a couple hours after the class. If there is a review quiz on that class, it will be due 3-9 days after the class presentation. And so on with each class of a given course.
- How will it work, if you are taking the class at a different time than it is taught at ILC in an on-site class? You may proceed at your own pace with no time limits.
- Registration - Since these are ILC college courses, you must register with Immanuel Lutheran College to take the class. A login and password will be assigned for those who are registered in order for them to access the whole course at classes.ilc.edu. There is a registration fee of $25.00 for those who have not been enrolled at ILC in recent history. The course may be taken for credit or audit. There's a limit of 10 online students for credit (no limit for audit). The tuition costs for each class are listed in the graph at the top of this document. A three credit course costs 25% of the current semester tuition at ILC. The audit price is 30% of the credit price. The audit price for 1 Corinthians is different because it is a high school course and as an inexpensive introduction. These fees are set by the ILC Board of Regents. All payments are made to ILC through the ILC Business Office and do not go to the professor teaching the course.
- A couple or a household can take the class together with one registration and one login. In such a joint venture only one person can take the course for credit. Clearly we welcome both or all to register.
- Distribution - Since this is a registered ILC college class and some videos contain copyrighted material, online users may not copy and share or distribute the video recordings with others.
- A CLC congregation or study group may use most of the online courses for joint Bible study, with the requirement of one registration (one login) and one payment. The pastor or some other representative of the congregation should register with ILC. Religion 101 /102 is not available for group use due to copyright restrictions.
- The class videos may not be copied and shared or distributed to anyone else.
- The class videos may not be edited. A fair segment may be shown.
- Only one login is provided for such an arrangement.
- The permission to show the class videos, or a portion thereof, extends from the start of the course term until the start of the same term two years later (currently August 2015 to August 2017). With 1 Corinthians it is one year later.
- The question has been asked how these might work as a congregational Bible Class. Making them available for this usage has been the recommendation of the Board of Regents. I don’t know how useful they will be for a normal Bible Class. The classes are not taught in the manner in which I would teach a congregational Bible Class. The classes expect that everyone listening has read the material ahead of time. They are mainly lecture with minimal class involvement. There are some samples available as indicated at the beginning of this document. Suggested uses:
- 1. Show one to your Bible Class as a demonstration of what is available for individuals to pursue in their own individual study.
- 2. Use them occasionally to fill in a Bible Class session when the Pastor is absent.
- 3. Go over some of the material in Bible class and then use a segment of the video to highlight the topic and spur discussion.
- 4. Use them for a small group interested in further religious studies. Perhaps they commit to reading the material in advance, gather to watch the video together and then discuss it.
- To register, completethe registration form for online college courses. Those registering for any online course do not need to send a pastoral recommendation or a transcript. It should be sent, e-mailed, or faxed to the ILC office:
Immanuel Lutheran College, 501 Grover Road, Eau Claire, WI 54701.
Email: clcbookhouse@ilc.edu
Fax: 715-836-6634
Contact - Please feel free to contact the Academic Dean (715-836-6631 or john.ude@ilc.edu) with any further questions.
10:21 Publié dans Apolégétique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Un coin de voile levé sur le dernier tabou : le planning familial:
Les questions de contraception, d’IVG et de sexualité ont brièvement émergé pour la première fois en France dans la campagne des régionales. Depuis toujours, les différents aventuriers qui tentent d’interroger de manière critique les évolutions de société ou de « mettre le respect de la vie humaine au cœur de la politique » sont éconduits sans ménagements par un gardien du temple à la fois connu et méconnu, mais sourcilleux : le planning familial. Qui s’y frotte s’y pique.
Le planning, c’est la loi et les prophètes de la sphère intime. Souvent l’initiateur de réformes hardies avant d’en être lui-même le plus farouche propagandiste, le planning en est surtout le bénéficiaire puisqu’il en vit. Mais un seul mot d’ordre règne depuis près de soixante ans dans la classe politique unanime : le planning, on n’y touche pas, le planning protège la liberté des femmes, c’est le dernier tabou.
Or, une candidate a osé émettre l’opinion que les subventions du planning de la région PACA pourraient ne pas être maintenues à leur niveau actuel. C’est historique. Immédiatement, le ciel lui est tombé sur la tête. Et pourtant qu’en est-il exactement ? N’a-t-on pas le droit de savoir ?
Il suffit de se pencher sur une seule association du Planning familial de la région PACA, celle des Bouches du Rhône, pour être convaincu que quelques questions ne sont pas illégitimes. Sur un total de ressources de 1.354.301 € en 2014, cette association a reçu près de 90 % de subventions publiques en provenance de l’État (ARS, DDCS, FNPEIS, DRDFE, FDVA, INPES, CPCAM, CUCS), du Conseil général, du Conseil régional et des communes. On apprend, en outre, que « des financements exceptionnels ont été accordés afin d’éviter des licenciements et une cessation de paiements ». Mais les charges continuent à augmenter. Et on lit que l’équipe du planning de ce département compte 30 salariés dont une troupe de théâtre de 15 comédiens…
Il y a plus grave. Sur le site de l’association figure un soutien explicite aux femmes voulant avorter mais qui ont dépassé le délai légal de 12 semaines de grossesse. Il est précisé que ces femmes ont encore la possibilité de se rendre dans un autre pays d’Europe où la législation est différente et les délais plus longs, comme l’Espagne, l’Angleterre ou les Pays-Bas, voire les États-Unis (où la réputation du Planned Parenthood n’est plus à faire, avec le scandale de la vente d’organes issus d’avortements). Et ce n’est pas assez, il faut aussi leur donner des moyens financiers. En conséquence, le planning sollicite des dons et délivre même des reçus fiscaux pour soutenir un acte qui est illégal. Car, en France, au-delà de la douzième semaine de grossesse, l’IVG est interdite et le médecin qui la pratiquerait s’expose à des sanctions pénales (jusqu’à 5 ans de prison), civiles et administratives. Dès lors, le financement public, direct ou par déduction fiscale, de l’IVG hors délai s’apparente fort à un détournement de fonds publics.
Multipliez ces constats par soixante-quinze associations pour avoir une idée de ce que représente le planning à l’échelle nationale : un mouvement qui traite de façon militante dans les écoles, les collèges, les lycées, les universités, etc. non seulement de la contraception et de l’avortement, mais aussi de la bioéthique, de l’homosexualité, du sida, de la laïcité, du féminisme, du genre et des migrants…
Voir Les Républicains s’approprier ce militantisme d’extrême gauche, fossoyeur de toute reconstruction de la société sur ses fondamentaux, balaye les illusions qu’on peut avoir sur ce parti.
Voir une classe politique quasi unanime faire de l’immoralité un argument électoral pour battre une candidate de 26 ans qui cherche à dissiper le mensonge a quelque chose de crépusculaire.
Voir cette jeune femme se battre seule contre des barbons évoque l’épisode de « Suzanne et les vieillards » qui, rappelons-le, se termine par la condamnation des vieillards.
On peut se réjouir qu’un coin du voile ait été levé sur le dernier tabou par la représentante d’une génération qui survivra aux barbons.
11:54 Publié dans Société | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Eglise Evangélique luthérienne - Synode de France
L'Eglise Evangélique luthérienne - Synode de France et de Belgique, ou EEL-SF, est une Eglise luthérienne confessionnelle en France. Elle est formée d'une dizaine de paroisses.
L'EEL-SFB est membre de la Conférence Luthérienne Européenne et du Concile luthérien international (comme l'est aussi la Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod aux Etats-Unis).

Les paroisses fondatrices ont formé le synode en 1927. Leur origine remonte au réveil luthérien du XIXe siècle. Elles ont finalement quitté 'l'Eglise de la Confession d'Augsbourg d'Alsace et de Lorraine pour des raisons doctrinales. Après la première guerre mondiale, et plus encore aprés la seconde, l'EEL-SFB a ouvert des postes missionnaires et fondé des paroisses hors de l'Alsace (région parisienne entre autres). Le Synode soutient des Eglises en Afrique francophone, particulièrement dans les domaines de la formation des Pasteurs et de celui de la littérature.
Organisation actuelle
Son ancien président est le Pasteur Jean Thiaebaut Haessig, qui a été aussi Pasteur de la paroisse de Châtenay-Malabry Hauts-de-Seine arrondissement Antony et directeur de la mission par les médias. L'actuel président est le Pasteur Jones.
PS: Bien que le propos d'Identité Luthérienne, est la défense de l'Orthodoxie Luthérienne, et donc de mon ancien synode, je précise que je ne suis plus en communion avec lui.
Pasteur Blanchard
10:08 Publié dans Eglise | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)